Thursday, March 15, 2012

Senior page poetry/New short stories

Today, work on your Marking Period portfolio 15-20 pages.

Also, let's get some poetry from last semester for the yearbook senior page!

Finally, if you haven't already, please read Lorie Moore's "How to Be a Writer"--the link is on a post below this.


  1. Jenee Skinner

    Dear Sunflower Child

    Ominous loneliness once simmered on my tongue
    Like the burning stick of macaroni.

    I shake up cocktails with time;
    drinking in wrinkles, laughs, love, and children.

    Grace simmers in my skillet
    bringing back the sour smell of youthful inexperience.

    I set the table with softened growing pains
    that my family prepares to eat off of.

    What was once planted in my consciousness has been picked and served for dinner
    Dear Sunflower Child, get ready to chew on womanhood.

    Khari Thompson

    red and gold striped birds flutter swift
    and nimble across deep sky.
    they greet the clouds,
    the wildlife beneath them,
    and watch the lions softly slumber.

    grass lightly sways as little ants make their way
    to and fro;

    then break! The animals come free
    of their homes and toucan and
    parrot and python alike glide
    across and down the forest floor
    until a quiet crystalline waterfall
    breathlessly sparkles
    back at them

    from here the anteater joins hands with the
    ant, and the jaguar puts paw with the hare
    and they dance a solid dance,
    a dance full of blazing fire and steely
    eyes, loose arms and twisting bodies
    screaming out in euphony the sound of
    the water and coaxing it up, up
    around them, enticing it to sooth them
    with red snake tongue and sinuous
    yellow leg into a still trance
    of peaceful oneness
    the color of wine.
    and then they scatter,
    sweet and fulfilled,
    into the cool shade
    beneath lazy branches and
    long hanging leaves.
