Wednesday, December 18, 2019

More poetry prompts

List of Poetry Prompts

  • Write a poem about blue sand and red crabs.
  • Write a poem about soup taste like happiness.
  • Write a poem about someone sad. Use the words despair and summer.
  • Write a poem about a woman who works at Barnes & Noble.
  • Write a poem about a scientific wonder.
  • There's probably Breaking News on CNN right now. Create a poem about it. But in yours make sure it is raining.
  • Write a poem about tomorrow. Use the word toothpaste.
  • Write a poem about Brad and his spectacular day.
  • Write a poem about Instagram.
  • Write a poem on the bus about a train.
  • Write a rain poem.
  • Write a poem about a man filing his taxes.
  • Write a poem about a party.
  • Write a poem about a lost dog that is found.
  • Write a death poem. The Grim Reaper should make an appearance.
  • Write a short poem about nothing.
  • Flip to a random page in your journal. Use a word on that page in a poem.
  • What song have you been listening to a lot lately? Use a word from it in a title of your next poem.
  • Write an a poem about an apple.
  • Use the words green, farm and tree in a poem.
  • Write a romantic poem about a gift.
  • Write a poem about Bing, Google and DuckDuckGo.
  • Write a poem about a dare that backfires.
  • Write a poem about how something smells.
  • Write a haiku about poetry prompts.
  • Write a poem about how watching that last horror movie made you feel.
  • Write a poem about coffee and shoveling snow but don't use the words white, cold, frozen or hot.
  • Write a poem about a girl who keeps stealing books from a used bookstore.
  • Use these three words in a poem: love, grass and cat.
  • Write a poem about the hungriest day of your life.
  • Write a love poem without using the word love.
  • Write a poem about frogs and vomit.
  • Write a poem about caffeine and/or running when you are feeling really groggy.
  • Write a short poem as fast as you can. Use the word blazing.
  • Write a poem about betrayal and revenge. Make it intense.
  • Write a poem about something bizarre that happens at a writing conference.
  • Write a poem about another poet.
  • Write a poem that includes a hat and the wind.
  • Write a poem about a big dinosaur.
  • Make someone you know doesn't like writing poems write a poem and then write a poem about it.
  • Take three of your poems and mash them into a new poem.
  • Write a poem about things that live in the swamp.

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