Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Margaret Atwood videos


Dear CW Seniors,

I know this is a difficult time for you--for all of us.  Please know that you are important to me and that I want you to stay healthy and be healthy for others. I love you, and your A grades will continue for this interrupted school year.
Don't stress and don't worry! Work on your academics, too!

I will try to provide you with videos and other opportunities for online learning.

In the meantime, continue with your writing and reading assignments.  TRY to create 20 pages of fiction writing for the quarterly portfolio.  Feel free to write whatever fiction you, as a writer, want to create and post it on our google classroom site.  I will post an assignment for "FREE WRITING FICTION," as I don't know how long this is going to last (at least 2 weeks).

Here is a link to Margaret Atwood on my Master Class account.  You've already read "Death by Landscape."  Make sure you post to that.  Let me know if you can access this new link because I don't know if you can watch it along with the other lessons. Tell me,what you think of her advice, and if I should post more from her.  Just let me know and post a comment.

Also, here is a pdf to a Margaret Atwood short story you probably have already read, but it's still an idea for a metafiction short story:

And another:

And congratulations to Turon Parker for getting a national Silver Medal for his poetry!

Stay strong and healthy! You are wonderful young writers, the next generation who will make significant changes in our world!  (OK---a bit schmaltzy, but true!).  Communicate with me, please.
I, too, am homebound and need your company.  Use the email!


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