Wednesday, April 8, 2020

"A Good Man is Hard to Find "by Flannery O'Connor


Read "A Good Man is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Connor

Consider the following discussion questions.  Post a response on the blog to FIVE (5) of them.

1. Why does the Grandmother insist on wearing her nicest suit on the road trip with her family?
2. What is the significance of the Mis-fit's name?
3. What role does faith and religion play in this story?
4. Characterize the grandmother. Do you feel any sense of compassion for her? Why or why not?
5. What is the significance of the Misfit's response to the grandmother just before he kills her?
6. Characterize the Misfit. Do you think that the Misfit presents valid reasons for the violent way he lives his life? Is there ever an excuse for violence?
7. Explain how O'Connor uses her characters to comment on one another.
8. How would you describe the importance of family to each of the characters in the story?
9. What is the relationship between the grandmother and her grandchildren? Does this relationship surprise you?
10. What are some ways in which O'Connor infuses the story with humor?


  1. 1. The grandmother insists on wearing her nicest suit on the road trip with her family because she believes road trips are a special occasion and she wouldn’t miss one for the world. Additionally, she was fearful of the Misfit and likely would have preferred to die in one of her best outfits.
    2. The Mis-fit is named such because he believes his punishment at the penitentiary doesn’t correspond to any crime that he had committed.

    4. The grandmother is an elderly, souther women, characteristic of one who grew up in the final years of slavery, as she reminisces about the past and how people were nicer then and about the beautiful plantations she visited. I definitely feel sympathetic for the grandmother because she was innocent, not a bad person, and she clearly loved and cared for her family, so she shouldn’t have had to witness their deaths, but I would have felt worse for her if she didn’t reminisce about slavery and appear to be unaware of her surroundings.

    5. When the Misfit recoils from the grandmother before he kills her, it represents his aversion from affection and his complete aloofness from the pleasantries of the world and the idea of compassion.

    The grandmother looks disdainfully on the children, who show no signs of respect towards her. She believes, perhaps rightly so, that they ought to be more considerate and less rude to others. She also believes that they contradict the values of her time. This doesn’t surprise me because young children are often disrespectful and elderly ladies raised during the antebellum period tend to disavow disrespect. However, I was surprised that the children’s parents didn’t do more to correct the rude behavior of their children and that the grandma seemed to be the only one to think that they were acting improperly.


  2. 1. The grandmother wears her nicest clothes because to her road trips are important and special.

    2.the significance of the misfits name is that he is a convict who escaped he could not align what he’d done with the punishment he’d been given.

    3.when the grandmother has confrontation with the misfit she prays hoping the misfit would spare her life. It’s almost like a sense of hope.

    4.The grandmother is obviously an elderly person. She is from the south and she experienced slavery. I feel sympathy for her because she lost her family and she cared for them a lot.

    8.i think family in a way family was important to the characters but mostly the grandmother even though she has a selfish nature.

  3. I submitted my responses under the Google Classroom assignment!

  4. 1. Why does the Grandmother insist on wearing her nicest suit on the road trip with her family?
    in case of an accident, anyone seeing her would know she was a lady.
    2. What is the significance of the Mis-fit's name?
    his punishment does not match with the crimes hes committed
    3. What role does faith and religion play in this story?
    the grandmother prays for the misfit and hopes he will let her live.
    4. Characterize the grandmother. Do you feel any sense of compassion for her? Why or why not?
    i sympathize with her because she seems like a very sweet kind old lady who has been through a lot.
    9. What is the relationship between the grandmother and her grandchildren? Does this relationship surprise you?
    the children don't really act as kind as they should in her opinion, and she believes everyone should be kind to eachother. it doesnt surprise me because a lot of elderly people believe young kids are rude and disrespectful.
