Monday, May 4, 2020

Week #3 MP4---Assignment #3--Junot Diaz/Zoom workshop


Please read the Junot Diaz short story "Drown" and answer the questions.

More importantly, prepare one of your short stories to read and share at a Zoom workshop this week.
How is Thursday at 4 pm?

1. How would you characterize Beto, the narrator’s friend, based on the first couple pages of the story. Choose two adjectives that best characterize Beto and cite a sentence or two from the early part of the story that demonstrate each. 
2. What kind of son is the narrator to his mother, in this story? What are two reasons to think he is a good son and two reasons to think he is not a good son? Which side would you say is weightier, more significant, more valid as an interpretation?
 3. How is the narrator’s father depicted in this story? If he were to represent two powerful forces in the narrator’s life, what would those forces be, and which incidents or dialogue in the story substantiate each of them? 
4. The narrator has two sexual encounters with his friend Beto. What they tell us about the narrator’s sexuality, if anything? How does sexuality affect the relationship between Beto and the narrator? In the end, what kind of relationship do Beto and the narrator have?

More Junot Diaz:

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