Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Abiodune Oyewole

Something Beautiful:


  1. More and more I think people are becoming cynical with the world and the direction that it's going. I personally don't know how doomed I think we are but I think the message the Oyewole sends is one that everyone should take into account, in that to really overcome any challenge or struggle we have to find the beauty in things. We have to focus on the positive or we will forever be locked down by our circumstances and the shackles they hold on us.

    -Cameron Bennett

  2. The poet was trying to convey the yearning to see the beauty of the world while there are things, like hatred in the way. People believe because there is so much evil in the world, it outweighs the beauty. But in reality, its all about your perception and perspective.

  3. The poet was talking about wanting to say something beautiful in a world of ugly. He was talking about trying to uplift himself and his people in a time and place where they were being discriminated against. People inflict so much evil on each other, and the poet felt as though his people shouldn't have to go through that. In order for these ugly times to get better, however, we have to see through them and find the beauty in them.

  4. I think the line that stuck out the most in Oyewole's attempt to find the beauty in ugly is his line "dressed up in debris." Throughout his poem he is attempting to implore the reader to find the beauty in what most perceive as ugly. He wants the beauty to be inspiring, to change the perception people have of ugly. By "dressing up in debris," he is taking something usually seen as ugly, the leftovers of society and nature, and making them something to celebrate by implying they dress up the human body- they make it glorious and beautiful.

  5. A poets job is convey a message about the society we live itself; not only the good aspects in it but the bad as well. A poet should give the reader a new perspective of a topic that the reader never thought about before.

  6. I thought the poem was trying to let people know something.Either it could be a significant something or just a random something. Most people would consider in writing a poem about something that they already know such as the society we live in, the people in that society things close to them or something that left a good or negative effect on their life.

  7. The poet's job was to deliver a message that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Also he made it clear that we are blinded by what we are suppose to think. He expressed that you could make a horrible situation into a beautiful thing.

  8. The poet was trying to send out a message that reaches out to the reader and has the reader see the wonders of the world and the way you see the world is basically based on your perspective (positive)

  9. The poet's job in "Something Beautiful" is that you have to find the beauty within everything, even though there's a struggle everyday. As also to be positive in the situation that you're in.

  10. The poem was very moving,he was really getting into a lot of things.In one part of the poem he was saying how he wanted to say something beautiful. since there's has been many things that have been going on in the world. The only thing he can only think about the ugly.

  11. I think the line that stuck out the most in Oyewole's attempt to find the beauty in ugly is his line "dressed up in debris." Throughout his poem he is attempting to implore the reader to find the beauty in what most perceive as ugly. He wants the beauty to be inspiring, to change the perception people have of ugly. By "dressing up in debris," he is taking something usually seen as ugly, the leftovers of society and nature, and making them something to celebrate by implying they dress up the human body- they make it glorious and beautiful.

  12. The poet was trying to convey the yearning to see the beauty of the world while there are things, like hatred in the way. People believe because there is so much evil in the world, it outweighs the beauty. But in reality, its all about your perception and perspective.

  13. the message that i percieve from the mans poem is that the world at one point was beautiful because of how we made it. the same way you can make something beautiful, you can destroy it and that is exactly what everyone has done and now the world is no longer what it used to be. he keeps repeating, i wanted to say something beautiful. it seems like he wants to talk about the world in a positive light like how it used to be but is hesitant because its different now.

  14. the message that i percieve from the mans poem is that the world at one point was beautiful because of how we made it. the same way you can make something beautiful, you can destroy it and that is exactly what everyone has done and now the world is no longer what it used to be. he keeps repeating, i wanted to say something beautiful. it seems like he wants to talk about the world in a positive light like how it used to be but is hesitant because its different now.
