Tuesday, September 11, 2018



1. Morning reflection:


2. Discuss Kooser article

3. Ashbery Poem workshop

4. Writing activity: Object poem



  1. Honestly, I can't imagine ever being in a predicament such as the 9/11 attack. It's a fear of mine to be caught in something like that. It must've been bad if there were people jumping and if people were legit being blown out the window. I would be terrified being up that high for one and two having a plane crash into the building when I'm just trying to get through my work day and that's the real tea.

    1. Tyler, yes. It's so hard to imagine, yet people live with devastation from attacks every day in the world.

  2. There's nothing I can think up to utter here that hasn't already been said somewhere else in better and longer form by a stronger and more valuable person. The only emotion I could properly expand upon would be rage, but out of respect for what we've just watched - and for what day it is - I shan't.

    1. You mentioned your rage at the perpetrator of this attack.
      Take a moment to think about how people worldwide feel about the devastation of attacks on their homelands. We have not been without guilt in wars of the past (but you know that).

  3. Mr. Painting came into the room and said to turn on the television and that the World Trade Center had been hit by a plane. I turned on the television. At first we thought it was a small plane that hit the building. Then we understood and watched it in disbelief. The principal wanted to discourage us from keeping the television on, but my students wanted to see what was happening. It was a life-changing day.

  4. It's really sad to see that people chose jumping as their last resort knowing that they possibly couldn't be saved. To do that means it must have been worse inside and they chose dying the way they choose than by the way that the terrible attack happened. Whenever this time of year comes around, you think that it'll be the same but then you learn something new about that day that you didn't know about before.

    1. I do not know much about your family and what you have experienced. I just want to say that you can teach me so much about what people feel when their "homeland" is attacked within and without--what people must experience
      on a personal level. So many stories as a writer to share and honor, I believe.

  5. You're really going to make me comment on this, huh? The video just made me super depressed so I can't really get my thoughts in order, but I'll try.
    Dying sucks. It blows. It's not good. Is it a natural part of life that we all have to accept? Debatable, but it's not like there's ever been someone to NOT die after a while, so you know. I'm not really concerned with how horrible the fact that people would even commit a terrorist act on this scale, moreso how...confused everyone must have been. I've heard accounts from people who at the time had no idea what was going on that were on the outside of the event, so imagining how it must have felt for those in the World Trade Center kind of makes my stomach turn. I've listened to a call from a woman on one of the plans and her confusion as to what's going on just makes my heart break. Imagining people being forced to throw themselves out of a window nearly fifteen-hundred feet in the air without even knowing why this happened to them is disturbing. Bleh. I'm sad now. Thanks, Gamzon.

    1. Loving you, Kaneil, and sorry to make you so sad. You are a writer with a great deal of potential to address issues other than your wonderful training and talent in "fan fiction" techniques. I would truly love to see you stretch yourself in other ways because you are a gifted writer. I caught the fact that you knew Jonathan Foer's novel and the film adaptation. If you know this book and the film, how can this inspire you to deal with what we saw today?
      because you expand your own horizons

  6. 9/11 is a date that we will all remember. Even though I was young and can't remember what was going on that day, hearing about it and watching videos of it makes me feel really sad. Sad that there are actually people that think of destroying others. Those people falling out of the windows were filled with confusion and desperation. They probably didn't know what to do. This day marked history and it has caused more stricter laws in many places like airports. I can't believe people actually had to live through all of this. I heard that it was all over the news and that it was a day filled with terror. Many lost their lives and others chose to end it because of desperation. I couldn't believe that this actually happened.

    1. your generation must understand this history date because it changed the way we raised you. Does that make sense? Our fears awakened made us as parents more protective and as a country more fearful.
      it happened!

  7. I don't know what I'm exactly supposed to comment about. Every year we watch these videos and every year I seem to have managed to push away just how disturbing and horrible these images are because every year it's like it's all new and I've never seen the videos, it's like there is no numbing to it. It's horrifying to think about. I think the images you come up with on your own are in a way, are even worse.

    1. There is no way to numb painful history. Just write about it, Raina---you're a talented writer. Don't avoid. Try to get it out. I know you can do it when you let it flow. then you'll have stuff to use and stuff to throw out.

  8. Though being born during the time and being in Brooklyn when it happened, I can't recant any of it. 9/11 was something I was always told about through my family and the unlikely events which stopped any of them from going to the towers that day. I remember clearly how my sister Shanell is still shooken up as today is her birthday and on a day where she used to be the happiest she felt some sort of guilt. I can't say anything that hasn't already be said,9/11's impact still stretches until today and to the people who don't remember the event and the people who weren't born.

  9. Seeing what has occurred when most of this class was only a few months is horrifying. Such tragic events makes you wonder why are people cruel? Looking at the people jumping out of the building is saddening. It softens your heart and makes you have sympathy for all those families who have loved ones who couldn't make it out of the building alive.

  10. I really don't know what to say. We are reminded of this tragedy every year that changed the makeup of this country. For the jumpers they truly believed they had no other option and wanted to control their own fate. Although, I was too young to remember what happened 9/11 will continue to impact me.

  11. September 11, is a difficult time every year, as we remember the tragedy of a terrorist attack in the United States. That event has changed the way the people live. There is now more security in airports because of that. The sight of planes crashing into the world trade center and helpless people jumping to their death was not a pleasant sight. Many lost their loved ones that day. No one knew what exactly what was happening. Many things have changed since that happened.

  12. It was very upsetting and gut wrenching seeing those fall from the towers. Those people look so helpless, some decided that it was best to fall to their deaths. This has opened my eyes and really taught me to value my life more.

  13. I'm at a loss here, I'm not sure what to say. I never know what to say when this day comes about. Every year it seems I'm exposed to another tragedy I had not known occurred on this. I often wonder what life was like before 9/11. For those alive during this time period I Know it's one of those days you never forget when and where you where when it all went down.
