Thursday, September 27, 2018

Complete assignments



Go to website.  Read some of his poems.

Complete assignments from previous post including reading and discussion questions (post these).

For Tuesday, you should have 5 poems.  Select one for workshop.

Paradox and Oxymoron
Ashbery poem (already workshopped)
Object Poem
Self-Portrait Poem
"The Nails" assignment


  1. I think the videos of the poems we just watched were powerful. They were relaxing to me. The ones with the videos and the pictures, I payed more attention to because they were a lot more interesting. I knew what Kai was talking about because I had visual representation. I like this kind of poetry because it seems like it's a way to connect with him.

  2. The poems that we saw by Kai Carlson were very powerful. I couldn't believe that he had created the poetry film himself. The photography was amazing. I liked how in some of his poetry films he used still pictures, while in the others, he used a complete video divided into sections. His talent is amazing, and knowing that I will get to meet him tomorrow is great. Those videos by him gave me some inspiration to do the same thing with my poetry. It taught me the different things that a writer can do to show his poetry or writing pieces to the public. While looking at some information from him, I found that he is an English teacher at Stanford. He also participated in the Breadloaf Writers Conference which is very interesting because I participated in it last year and I met a lot of amazing authors, like him.

  3. His poems were powerful but I found them to be somewhat typical. Not to be judgey well actually to be 100% Judgey it just seems like you get what you expect from his writing. Although There are times where I found it to be powerful. Kai's still, aren't very good if i'm being honest it looks like very slopped together framing, however, some photographs are downright beautiful. Kai's style seems to no be ultra descriptive in description rather vague painting a picture something more similar to bokeh. His background well reflects his poetry as they are all based seemingly in his journey and experience rather than exploring others, there's nothing wrong with that. I do appreciate some of his internal rhythm though it helps to keep people listening.

  4. I liked the videos as a concept but the images often felt random or were oddly framed and when it came to his poetry it was...meh. It sort of felt like he had all these really over the top deep lines but they didn't fit together really well. Maybe if I read through his poems myself though it'd make more sense and I'd 'get it' more.

  5. The poems all seemed the same with me. The visuals were cool I guess even though I complained and said they were too long. Nothing really stood out to me, but that could just be because I wasn't paying attention to the whole thing.

  6. Kai Carlson-Wee's poems are interesting. I enjoyed them because they were calm and soothing. The visuals made the poems more powerful. It's nice to have something to look at while the poem is being read to you.
